The story of Rocky Mountain Hardware unfolded over three decades ago in a successful showroom owned by Mark and Patsy Nickum. Working closely with architects, designers and builders in Sun Valley, Idaho, they furnished high-end doors, windows and door hardware for upscale, custom-built homes.
The Nickums quickly realized the need for quality, customized products, as their clients repeatedly asked for pieces that simply didn’t exist. They were looking for accessories that would tie their projects together–products with one-of-a-kind character that could be used throughout the entire house to unify the look. Without customized pieces, their clients were settling for something ordinary rather than staying true to the design of the home and making those finishing touches exceptional.
Whenever a need arose on a project for a particular type of hardware that just couldn’t be found, it was created. Starting with one lever and one plate, their clients asked, “Can you do the doorstop?” Their reply? “Sure, we can do a doorstop.” The doorstop evolved into a cabinet knob for the kitchen, then on to all the hardware in the bath. Next stop, door accessories and hinges, and finally plumbing and lighting. It comes as no surprise that the companies philosophy of never saying “no” was the inspiration behind the creation of Rocky Mountain Hardware. And that was just the beginning.
Today, Rocky Mountain Hardware continues its family tradition with their son Christian at the helm since 2003. Their unwavering commitment to high-quality, custom bronze pieces is unparalleled. The creation of that next sculptural work of art is already in the works. As for the future? They can’t wait for the next request.
Rocky Mountain Hardware